
I am an Associate Professor (~ Maître de conférences) in Computer Science at Université Sorbonne Paris Nord and the LIPN laboratory. Previously, I was an associate professor at the University of Lorraine and the LORIA laboratory. Before that, I was a post-doctoral researcher in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning first at Inria Paris (almanach team) then at both the Information Processing and Communications Laboratory (LTCI) of Télécom Paris and at the Innovation & Research Department from SNCF. My research interests include emotion prediction and classification, emojis recommendation, machine learning from few examples (Few Shot Learning and Meta Learning), and everything including user generated content with conversations.

Download my resumé.

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Machine Learning
  • Computational Linguistics
  • Information Retrieval
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2019

    Aix-Marseille University

  • Msc in Computational Linguistics, 2014

    Université Paris 3 Sorbonne-Nouvelle

  • Bsc in Natural Language Processing, 2010

    Université Paris 4 Sorbonne


Associate Professor in Computer Science
Sep 2024 – Present Paris
Deep Learning for Emotion Recognition in Conversation
Associate Professor in Computer Science
Sep 2022 – Aug 2024 Nancy
Deep Learning for Emotion Recognition in Conversation
Post doctoral Researcher
Jul 2020 – Jun 2022 Palaiseau
Deep Learning for Identifying Problematic Conversations in Customer Service Chats, and Emotion Recognition in Conversation.
Post doctoral Researcher
Jun 2019 – Jun 2020 Paris
French Lexical Evolution.
PhD Student (CIFRE)
Mar 2016 – Mar 2019 Marseille
Automatic and Adaptative Emojis Recommendation.
Vacataire ENS
Feb 2016 – Mar 2016 Montrouge
Old French API production and web app dedicated to Old French dependency parsing.
Research Engineer
Oct 2014 – Oct 2015 Nancy
Machine Learning for Data Pre-Treatments to enhance Terminology Extraction.

Software & Tools

Easy Conversation Annotation Tool

Easy Conversation Annotation Tool

An easy-to-use interface to annotate conversations in a two-level configurable schema, leveraging message-level labels and conversation-level labels at once.

Emotion Chat Annotator

Emotion Chat Annotator

Annotation tool to annotate conversations with emotions, satisfaction and problem resolution status.



Lexicon and Enrichment Modification Application Restricted



A collaborative annotation tool for treebank development. An easy to use graphic annotation interface makes it annotation the best part of a linguist’s day.



EMOtional EMOji RECOmmendation system. Web interface to use and evaluate the recommendation system in a textual chat.



Emoji Embeddings and Clusters of Face Emojis. This is the source code from a paper we presented to CICLing 2018, please cite this paper if you find this work useful.

AirBnB Scrapper

AirBnB Scrapper

Scrapper AirBnb to scrap reviews and create a dataset. Used to create the Hackathon (HackaTAL 2017) dataset.



Independant tool to extract all trees from a treebank into collections of svg files.



Arborator Site is a graphical tool which allows to browse treebanks graphically. It was initially made for the RHAPSODIE projet purposes.

Treebank Browser

Treebank Browser

Treebank Browser is a graphical tool which allows to browse treebanks graphically. It was initially made for the RHAPSODIE projet purposes. It also creates a static web site.



A graphical interface that allows you to manage members of a team, see charts about their distribution per supervisors, entry date, etc. It allows you to obtain a trombinoscope of the members, and to filter your data. Used in LSIS laboratory.

SOFA: Syntactic Old French Annotator

SOFA: Syntactic Old French Annotator

SOFA allows you to predict the lemmas, Part-of-Speech tags and dependency parsing for Old French in the live web tool and display scores and results.

LAKME-SRCMF visualization

LAKME-SRCMF visualization

Interactive visualization tool to browse a treebank. This GUI tool regroup three ways to graphically view and edit syntactic tagged texts: launch, inspect, edit



A Java API for Old French dependency parsing and POS tagging. Modular and reusable for different purposes. Totally embedded.



An automatic tagger for a lexicon. Made at INIST-CNRS to be use conjointly with TermSuite in the ISTEX project.