
EZCAT: an Easy Conversation Annotation Tool

In this paper, we present EZCAT, an easy-to-use interface to annotate conversations in a two-level configurable schema, leveraging message-level labels and conversation-level labels at once.

Easy Conversation Annotation Tool

An easy-to-use interface to annotate conversations in a two-level configurable schema, leveraging message-level labels and conversation-level labels at once.

Few-Shot Emotion Recognition in Conversation with Sequential Prototypical Networks

In this work we present ProtoSeq, an adaptation of the Prototypical Networks to enable dealing with sequences in a few-shot learning way, reducing the need for labeling confidential data. [...]

Few-Shot Emotion Recognition in Conversation with Sequential Prototypical Networks

In this work, we place ourselves in the scope of a live chat customer service in which we want to detect emotions and their evolution in the conversation flow. This context leads to multiple challenges [...]

Meta-learning for Classifying Previously Unseen Data Source into Previously Unseen Emotional Categories

In this paper, we place ourselves in a classification scenario in which the target classes and data type are not accessible during training. We use a meta-learning approach to [...]

Méta-apprentissage : classification de messages en catégories émotionnelles inconnues en entraînement

Dans cet article nous reproduisons un scénario d'apprentissage selon lequel les données cibles ne sont pas accessibles et seules des données connexes le sont. [...]

Emotion Chat Annotator

Annotation tool to annotate conversations with emotions, satisfaction and problem resolution status.